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The objective of the blog is to share information from some of the world's most brilliant scientists, which can help us understand the science behind the complexities and intricacies of wellness. We recommend buying their books or listening to their podcasts and in Dr. Ramsey's case, taking his Eclass. In the meantime, we provide links, takeaways and summaries of the topics discussed. Please consult your Dr. before initiating or changing supplement routines.


American neuroscientist and tenured professor in the Department of Neurobiology at the Stanford University School of Medicine. He is the host of the Huberman Lab PODCAST, which is frequently ranked in the top 25 of all PODCASTs globally.

Professor in the Department of Genetics and co-Director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for Biology of Aging Research at Harvard Medical School. He is best known for his work on understanding why we age and how to slow its effects.

Psychiatrist, author, and farmer. He is a clear voice in the mental health conversation and one of psychiatry's leading proponents of using nutritional interventions. He is an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.


Eat To Beat Depression and Anxiety Takeaways: 1) Diagnoses of depression and anxiety disorders have snowballed over the past decade, now occurring more frequently in teens and young children. Approximately25% of the population will be diagnosed with a mental health condition. 2) Emerging scientific studies confirm that diet drastically impacts mental AND physical health, which are linked. 3) Dr. Ramsey identified 12 key nutrients that are involved in the development or treatment of depression. Click to see the full nutrient list with our notes or here for just the nutrients and foods.


Longevity Takeaways: 1) We can improve health and long term survival at any age, as well as look good and function optimally now. 2) Sinclair can control aging in his lab, and suggests that this can and will be done in humans, which will fundamentally change the course of human history. 3) The ONE thing that will have the most impact on longevity is to eat less often. He is not talking about malnourishment, but packing meals into a shorter time period. This will impact three pathways, AMPK, mTOR and Sirtuins, which are critical to Autophagy, the recyling of proteins. Autophagy prevents ex-differentiation, the process of cells losing their identity, which causes aging and age-related diseases. Proper nutrition, what to eat (Mediterranean diet), and when to eat are absolutely critical to longevity. 


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